school of internships
Frequently asked questions
this section
This section is about FAQ’s and we will perhaps add more FAQ’s as we go. The reason we want to address the questions upfront is to bring exceptional clarity, speed up the process and focus our energy on the student. The problem is – we have busy jobs, but helping students is our passion. Thanks for understanding. Please reach out with questions, but this FAQ should answer most of them.
student assessment
Before any discussion we prefer the student puts in the required effort to work on the Student Application Assessment. It is free, no charge and it actually gives us all ( including the student and the parent) the objective to have a meaningful discussion.
Assessment is below.
FAQ: The Sections
Costs/ Charges/ Discounts
Costs involvement and Capability based discounting
How short-long-mid tenure Internships are and can be?
Depth of Internship
What kind of depth and scale we operate with
Industry and Convergence
Mentorship Approach
Mentorship expectations, and pedagogy. Our Culture.
Student Assessment
What to expect from the assessment. Why do we do it?
Are You Genuine
Is our Internship model genuine? Are we genuine?
Past Success / Stories
What is our past success? Do you have proof?
do you offer college recommendations and certificates?
Please check a separate webpage about “Costs”. Or click on the button below.
Please check the page ” Internships Offered” or click on link below.
“the student only has time to work on these kind of projects during the summer only”
Why summer( or winter)? What is the students motive for this internship? Did the student fill up the Assessment?
Sure, reach out to us during summer if that suits you. We only admit 10 students a month, and only after an interview.
“What would be the difference between the same project for 3 months and 6 month?
Quite different, and it will depend on the outcomes the student is looking for. Some just want to learn something, some want to build a project, and some want to build a portfolio to differentiate themselves during the admission process. Please go through the link “Program Outcomes” for details.
“Can the student in 9th grade do some of the Internships you have?”
The short answer is Yes! In fact, we have seen grade 9 students stepping up and become exceptional entrepreneurs. The best thing is to build a strong portfolio by working on and building/expanding the project to show impact over 3 years. if the student wants to go to an Ivy League, the ninth grade is the perfect time to start.
” I have a 12th Grader, and who wants the Internship to build the resume for Top School admissions. Are we late?”
Yes and No. Time and Effort are relative items. We have observed 12th graders putting immense effort into projects the first 3 to 4 months and building a total connected story and portfolio in 6 months, with recommendations and getting into Top Schools. Check the “Internships Offered” to choose the Industry, Majors and Minors first. Click on the link provided.
“I want the student to finish the 6-month Internship in 1 month”
Depends on the effort the student is willing to put in – however, we have observed 1-month Internships cannot go too deep. The reason is, the student has to learn a lot of new things. These are hands-on activities and a solid grasp is needed. The most important thing is – what is the motive for 1 month? To keep the student busy? Please submit the assessment.
“Basically, your internships are offered all throughout the year – so the student can join anytime?”
We are open all year round – rain or shine! But, we strictly limit student intake based on three parameters – first is the assessment, second – commitment/goals and motives, but the third – We just don’t have the bandwidth to help more than 10 new students a month. Please complete the Student Assessment first.
Depth of Internships
To what detail/level do our Internships operate? Are you too high? Too low? Just right? Do you do what you claim to do?
” The student is just looking to spend 1 month in your program – that’s our requirement”
Sure – but has the student undergone the assessment? Without the assessment, without understanding the motive and goals of the student, we do not bring anyone into our program – sorry!” Please submit the assessment.
” Your Internships seem to have too much depth and it is pretty high-end for our students? We are just looking to have the student get some real-world experience.”
Got it! Real-world experience to achieve what, may we ask? What’s the real motive behind it? To Impact what and who?
Our Internships are tuned to develop Project-Based skills, problem-solving skills, and Industry skills, to differentiate the student during college admission, and later do well in life! This isn’t a subjective “time-pass” organization where you pay money and you just get some experience. We have our motive, and we want to know the student’s motive. Please check the Internships categories and Outcomes.
” You people are very new – this is the first time I am hearing about you in the Industry”
This website is new, the people and the projects aren’t. We have been doing this for 5 to 6 years, but we built this into a model for the Post-COVID world. COVID is new too. The Industry change is new as well. Everything in this new world will be new, but we know how to navigate it. We suggest you read about the founder and check his accolade and experience too!
” can we get a 6-month Internship done in one 1-month session? My student in 11th grade doesn’t have the time and bandwidth”
Yes and No. Skills and Projects take time, but there are specific areas where things can be accelerated. However, the biggest cautionary item – Top Schools look for continued interest and hands-on activity towards that. Finishing a project in one 1-month has possibilities with a tremendous effort from the student, but it may not work in the long run.
“I can see – if you can extend the project for 6 months, instead of 3-months, you all make more money – isn’t it natural for you to expand every Internship to a 6-month one?”
Mathematically, the argument is accurate! We make more money because of the continued effort required for 6 months. The student assessment becomes the truth – because we need to understand the motive. Second, to shorten a 6-month program to a 3-month program requires double the effort from both sides, so eventually, you will be charged a much higher figure than a 3-month program.
We really don’t like the model! We have seen there is a purpose for projects to run for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years. Cutting it down doesn’t help the student and they loose interest. A demotivated student who is supposed to work for their own dreams is not the student we want to have. It helps no one.
” I would like to get daily and weekly feedback on how the student is doing with your program. I don’t want the student wasting my money”
As a parent, we ensure that you are updated about the progress. The student should update you too, however, we have seen challenges – the student becomes too cautious, stops being innovative ( which we thrive in), and stops trusting us.
Innovation requires Trust and Freedom. The continuous imposed structure will prevent success. Do you plant a seed and loot at how much the roots have grown everyday by pulling it out of the soil?
To what detail are we focused on the Industry, are we very Industry focused, are we ignoring the generalist pieces of the Industry?
” I see Industry specialization and. a confluence of industries. Aren’t you people overdoing things?”
We focus on student outcomes. Their success is our success. Where things are going in post-Covid era, the signals are very clear – specialize, converge, innovate and build new markets. The Future of Work model is thus what we follow, so does the Top Schools. We are 100% aligned, and perhaps visionaries when it comes to the Industries of the Future. We are not academicians, we are people in the Industry and from the Industry.
” The student doesn’t really want to apply for Top Schools – Ivy Leagues – do I need your Internships?.”
Colleges are closing in the USA. You can clearly see the changes of supply-demand happening. There is more demand – less supply, not by the number, but based on the quality and reputation of the institutions.
We cater to students from all walks of life. Nothing in life, even an Ivy League / Top School / Great School guarantees anything. Learn new skills, learn the real world, innovate and you will survive and thrive anywhere! Thats our focus.
” I don’t see an Internship/Industry I like as the student’s majors/minors are not aligned here?”
We can customize any Internship based on an Industry. The Harvard Business School PLD people have the most extensive industry experience one can wish for. The point is different – any Industry is going digital. Thats where the trend, money and jobs would be.
” Do you teach diversity?”
We have diversity at the core of everything. We want everyone to have a different point of view at whatever they do and thats the way people learn! Exactly why we have different Industries to choose from.
“I can see – if you can extend the project for 6 months, instead of 3-months, you all make more money – isn’t it natural for you to expand every Internship to a 6-month one?”
Mathematically, the argument is accurate! We make more money because of the continued effort required for 6 months. The student assessment becomes the truth – because we need to understand the motive. Second, to shorten a 6-month program to a 3-month program requires double the effort from both sides, so eventually, you will be charged a much higher figure than a 3-month program.
We really don’t like the model! We have seen there is a purpose for projects to run for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years. Cutting it down doesn’t help the student and they loose interest. A demotivated student who is supposed to work for their own dreams is not the student we want to have. It helps no one.
” I would like to get daily and weekly feedback on how the student is doing with your program. I don’t want the student wasting my money”
As a parent, we ensure that you are updated about the progress. The student should update you too, however, we have seen challenges – the student becomes too cautious, stops being innovative ( which we thrive in), and stops trusting us.
Innovation requires Trust and Freedom. The continuous imposed structure will prevent success. Do you plant a seed and loot at how much the roots have grown everyday by pulling it out of the soil?
How do we mentor our students? Who does it? How do we specialize and yet focus? What kind of attention do we provide?
” How do you mentor/coach the students?”
We have the most advanced Mentorship/ Coaching model that we learned from Harvard Business Schools and MIT. Our mentorship style is very fluid, and we fit into the needs of the student.
” How many mentors/coaches do you have?”
We have three kind of coaches – Main, Operational and Industry. There will always be a main coach/master set of coaches who would understand the student and be primarily responsible for the students success. The second set are Operational Coaches who build knowledge , discipline/structure and follow up with the student regularly. The third is a specialized Industry coach.
” What is the Culture at your organization?”
Our culture is friendly, respectful, innovative and has a feeling of working together.
On the other hand we are also performance driven, mission driven and passionately drive excellence into the students.
” Do you take responsibility for the students success and failure”
There is no success or failure – everyone learns and succeeds at their own time.
Do we take responsibility – you bet we do? However, we are not here to please the students or their parents. If you like a culture with a strong work ethic – this is the place. Expecting us to spoon feed students – we don’t. Doesn’t matter whether you are rich, poor, tall , short etc – we will take equal responsibility and you are treated equally.
“Do you allow students to make mistakes”
Our culture is all about failing, failing fast, learning from it and finding what works
” What is one thing that you folks take pride in doing that others don’t”
We create Opportunities!
The assessment is meant for the student. We do not want to divulge anything thing about it. The assessment finds out exactly what the students dreams, aspiration, personality, character and their view of the world. The student assessment is designed in a way that everyone can express themselves without any influence. It is meant to bring out the students thought process and perspective of the way they see the world and how they see themselves.
Sorry, we can’t answer any more questions!
Are you people Genuine?
Yes – Mentorship hasn’t gone over to the Robots and AI yet. We are 100% flesh and blood! Aliens haven’t chipped us yet 🙂
Past Success/Stories
All the projects are the students creation. All of them started from nothing and built themselves up here.
Do you provide Certificates/ Recommendations
Depends on the ask – Certificates surely, but the best certificate is your creation and the completion of your project. Recommendations – yes, but where and what for? More of a discussion than an FAQ.
We got this, relax!
School of Internships
We suggest the following action based on the Links below. Or contact us using the form below. Thank you for browsing the site and supporting the students future.
"I want to know the Programs available and the Internships that can help the student?"
“Why do you charge for Internships and what are the costs involved?”
“This is a new Program, why should I participate? Who are you all?”
“How does the Internship run, the processes, and how do you deliver value for the cost”
Get In Touch
(978) 674-55 ZERO FOUR (USA#)
Project Starfish America
181 Market St, Lowell, MA
internships at pstarfish dot org ( format guards spams )
We are 100% global/virtual spanning multiple countries, but if you have a query, we usually answer in a day or two.